0'37 01 -
Title (The Origin) (MK) |
1'38 02 - introduction (NH) |
4'22 03 - Leo Stenbuck (break out) (NH)
2'00 04 - Factory (Vivid Transparency) (AH) |
1'53 05 - VR (The Fourth Dimension) (AH)
2'19 06 - flowing destiny (piano arrange) (MK) |
1'06 07 - Global 1 (Forever And Ever) (AH)
1'31 08 - Are you alright, Celvice ? (NH) |
3'28 09 - Boss (neves) (AH)
1'01 10 - Celvice ! This way, quickly ! (NH) |
2'18 11 - Residential Block (S02) (NH)
0'52 12 - A light with a name of HOPE (piano arrange) (MK) |
2'05 13 - Radar (pandemonium) (AH)
1'34 14 - Global 2 (virus) (TK) |
1'35 15 - City (THE EARTH LIGHT) (SK)
2'10 16 - Mountain (Who Can Read The Future ?) (AH) |
0'35 17 - Rock Thunderheart (function) (NH)
3'20 18 - A light with a name of HOPE (protect me) (MK) |
1'56 19 - You need this done to you. (NH)
0'49 20 - flowing destiny (resolution) |
1'32 21 - Ada (promise) (MK) |
4'16 22 - flowing destiny (memories) (MK)
1'50 23 - Neith (Risky) (MK) |
3'46 24 - Viola (silent death) (MK) |
1'55 25 - Anubis (impossible) (MK)
2'36 26 - Jehuty will self-destruct ? (NH) |
5'35 27 - flowing destiny --Ending Theme 1 |
3'47 28 - KISS ME SUNLIGHTS --Opening Theme
4'03 29 - A light with a name of HOPE --Ending Theme 2/Celvice's Theme |